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Certified course in derivative strategies and application
First of all let it be cleared that this is not a simple stock trading or investment course. This course teaches derivatives and derivatives strategy that are quite different from speculative stock trading/investing. The most remarkable feature of derivatives strategies is that it provides the ability to insure your old investments as well as new by way of hedging. This is the reason that an increased number of wise people are learning derivatives strategies.
As said above, this course not only teaches investing but also protecting new or old investments. If anyone is already invested in stock market then they must learn derivatives strategies to protect their old funds as any negative news/event can harm investments. In the past many investors had made good profit but could not protect it as they were not knowledgeable in hedging. If you are new and want to start investing in capital marketing then it is highly advisable that you learn ART OF INVESTING AND PROTECTING PORTFOLIOS  first so that your venture doesn’t  die at an immature stage.
In past time there was only one way for learning and that was by attending an institute. The obvious reason behind the limitation was lack of modern technology. At that time there was not infrastructure of telecommunication like we have today. There was no internet and learning online was out the scope.
Everyone knows that attending an Institute is not easy job.  No excuse of missing bus or train is entertained there. You have to reach there to attend period as per time table irrespective of any problems. Thus it is not only costly in terms of money but also in terms of time.
Many don’t know that they are paying extra fees for land, building, infrastructure and other amenities. Moreover people have to pay for high salary of faculties too. In spite of paying heavy fees there is no guarantee that you are taught by world class faculties as majority of the institutes can’t afford their salary. One more important point is that prominent faculties mostly work in metro cities as they get better salary only there. If you are living in non metro area then you have to forget learning from prominent faculty in spite of paying high fees. This is truer in the field of capital market particularly for the subject of derivatives.
Now the good news is that you can learn derivatives strategies without going at costly institute or campus. Not only this, but you can learn far better than on campus sitting at your home as this course is taught by Mr. F. M. Lakhani of
Mr. Lakhani has an experience of more than 25 years of teaching as well as investing and trading in capital markets. He is also a franchisee of Reliance Securities Ltd. The most brilliant feature about the course is that it is an interactive course and hence you get personal coaching rather than getting just lessons. Unlike other online courses, you will not get one by one chapter of a book as lessons but proprietary modules followed by query compliances. One more unique feature of the course is that the course is customized per person and that’s why the learner gets what they want. Yes, the lessons get designed understanding learner’s requirements.

1. Theory
Module 1
i.                     Basics of Derivatives.
ii.                   Benefit of derivative market over  plain vanilla stock market .
Module  2
i.                     Introduction to  Futures
Module 3
i.                     Understanding Index and index future  
ii.                   Understanding stock future
Module 4
i.                     Introduction to Options
Module 5
i.                   Understanding Future and option analysis  
Module 6 
i.                  Trading Strategies
Module 7
i.                Creating wealth portfolio and protecting it

The unique feature of the course is that it provides the option of live practicals*. If you choose the option then you can become a professional trader just after the completion of the course.
Salient feature OF THE COURSE
i.         Professional course with interactive lessons
ii.       World class faculty with industrial exposure (capital market) 
iii.      Lowest fees (No need to pay extra fees for institute infrastructure and amenities)
iv.     Convenient timing and convenient place (No need to follow scheduled time table)
v.       Facility for live practicals on ultra modern trading system*

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