Stock market is known for many things . In technical terms
it is an exchange of buying and selling securities but It is seen differently
by different class of people . For traders it is a market for making fortune. It is a business platform for investors and wealth
creators . It is an alternative of bank for small investors to get better
returns .
In fact stock market has potential to make
your fortune if you can understand pro and cons of it. Stock market has made
many millionaires and billionaires .On other side many have lost here their money
by jumping in the market without right knowledge !
For doing any
business knowledge and right advice is primary condition .This rule applies to
stock market too. Right advice can make your fortune while wrong advice may prove
costly .
Here at we share very valuable news, information , events etc related
to stock market. We provide world class trading platform and advisory to our clients to trade /invest in stock market
. We also provide derivatives strategies for trading and hedging purpose . We
have very good track records for the same . You can see it by visiting .
Real Time Economic Calendar provided by India.