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Women's Day Scholarship

Celebrating international women's day 

Like every  year this time too is celebrating International women's day by offering scholarships upto 80% !

Here is more details with Q& A . 

Q. How I will get the scholarship ?

 To get the scholarship you will have to give simple online test having objective type questions . There will be 8 questions with equal marks . Fir every right question you will be offered 10% scholarship to join stock market course of your choice . If your all answers are correct then you will be offered 80 % scholarship ! That means you will have to pay only 20% fees  . 

Q. What is  eligibility to get scholarship ? 

1. Every girl / woman who have passed  12th commerce pass is eligible to claim the scholarship . 

Q. When and where I have to register to appear in test 

Yoo can register by filling form or link given here . 

Q. What is the last date to register ? 

You can register your name between 8 to 13 the March ,2021. Please note that no application will be considered after the given date. 

 If you have more queries then you can write it in note section of registration form or email to .

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